4,508 million, an increase of THB 754 million or 20.1% driven by higher sales of the energy drinks especially for export markets and greater sales growth from distribution of 3rd party’s products. Note: 1
and equipment sourcing and import. Analysis of Financial Performance Revenues Business categories Operated by For the three-month period ended 31 March Changes Increase (Decrease) 2018 2017 THB mm % THB
selling price resulting from the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. However, the total sales volume of Q2/2020 was increased by 16.80% compared to those of Q2/2019 due to the rise in demand of plastic packaging
). The rise in cost is similar to the increase in revenue and comes from the following factors. • Higher operating and depreciation costs of newly opened malls and renovated projects from 3Q18 to 2Q19
significantly in the third quarter of 2015, i.e., 89.62 million baht or a 136.97 percent increase from the same quarter of the preceding year, while the net profit for the first quarter of 2016 was 75.30 million
inconsistent with the normal market condition, causing the price of KIAT share to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr
share to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6
to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6
rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6) Mrs
to rise from 7.75 baht to 15.60 baht. The 13 offenders are (1) Mr. Kiatichai Monsereenusorn, (2) Mr. Nam Cholsaipan, (3) Mr. Suppawut Maneerin, (4) Miss Sani Jiewjinda, (5) Mr. Yos Thanarakchoke, (6