be maintained in such a manner of ready retrieval for promptly viewing and inspecting by the SEC Office; (4) it shall be accommodated to the SEC Office for inspecting the operation of the service
be maintained in such a manner of ready retrieval for promptly viewing and inspecting by the SEC Office; (4) it shall be accommodated to the SEC Office for inspecting the operation of the service
conflicts of interest arising due to the relationships that may compromise or appear to compromise the independence and objectivity of credit rating operations; Transparency and timeliness of ratings
that pay for a non-executive director and/or a non- executive chair is structured in a way which ensures independence, objectivity, and alignment with shareholders’ interests. Performance-based pay
/timeliness of the research • Evaluation of the objectivity and independence of the recommendations 10 MATERIALITY Governance Climate Change Location Company-specific Sector/Industry Investment Horizon CFA
เกี่ยวข้อง ( (10) หลักปฏิบัติในการจัดการลงทุนอย่างเป็นอิสระ (independence and objectivity) ( 3.6 ขอบเขต หน้าที่ และความรับผิดชอบของหน่วยงานที่จัดตั้งขึ้นเพื่อกำกับดูแล และติดตาม ตรวจสอบการปฏิบัติงานด้านการ
) หลกัปฏิบติัในกำรจดักำรลงทุนอยำ่งเป็นอิสระ (independence and objectivity) 3.6 ขอบเขต หนำ้ท่ี และควำมรับผิดชอบของหน่วยงำนท่ีจดัตั้งขึ้นเพ่ือก ำกบัดูแล และติดตำม ตรวจสอบกำรปฏิบติังำนดำ้นกำรจดักำรกองทนุ
). Clause 20 An intermediary shall prepare the information on the appointment and the discontinuation of the following persons and keep it at the company to be ready for retrieval or inspection by the SEC
the information on the appointment and the discontinuation of the following persons and keep it at the company to be ready for retrieval or inspection by the SEC Office upon request. (1) the persons
discontinuation of the following persons and keep it at the company to be ready for retrieval or inspection by the SEC Office upon request: (1) the persons under Clause 5 and Clause 6 of the intermediary who is a