660.50 83.17% 1,303.52 139.15% -643.02 -49.33% Profit before finance costs and income tax expense 133.69 16.83% -366.74 -39.15% 500.42 -136.45% Finance costs 36.13 4.55% 45.56 4.86% -9.43 -20.69% Profit
660.50 83.17% 1,303.52 139.15% -643.02 -49.33% Profit before finance costs and income tax expense 133.69 16.83% -366.74 -39.15% 500.42 -136.45% Finance costs 36.13 4.55% 45.56 4.86% -9.43 -20.69% Profit
sales of the Group Company consists of costs of services and rental from services and development of renewable energy projects businesses, and cost of sales from electricity generation and distribution
Company’s gross margin in this segment was THB 28.44 million, an increase of 85.74% from the same period of last year which was reported at THB 15.31 million. (2) The Company recorded total costs and expenses
million and 382.27 million respectively, increasing by 6.1%. The proportion of the costs of hospital operations incurred compared to total revenues for the year 2016 and 2017 were 71.7% ad 66.5
million Baht, by decreasing in terms of distribution costs. As a result of the shipping cost to distribute goods both domestically and internationally, promotional and commission fees, when the sales volume
sales. 2.2 The cost of renewable energy amounted to 23.04 million baht, a decrease of 0.64 million baht or 2.84% due to increased repair and maintenance costs . 2.3 Cost from banquet halls and restaurants
information is subject to change without notice. The Indices referenced in this document do not reflect any fees, expenses, sales charges, or taxes (unless otherwise indicated). It is not possible to invest
from Sales and Service 697.6 97.4% 710.0 97.2% Franchise Fees Income 13.0 1.8% 14.1 1.9% Other Income 5.4 0.7% 6.3 0.9% Total Revenue 716.0 100.0% 730.5 100.0% Remark: (1) Percentage of Total Revenue For
mall management and effective operating costs control The Thai economy in 2Q17 continued to expand and recovered at a modest pace, driven by export of goods which showed a high expansion, and the tourism