2.13 (0.24) -11% Administrative expenses 60.69 52.29 8.40 16% Earnings before interest and tax 66.02 59.91 Finance costs - Main businesses 9.87 15.30 (5.42) -35% Finance costs - Solar energy 18.05 16.76
STAMP FEE/COMM Median Bid-Ask TRANSACTION COSTS (bp.) DIRECT COST (bp.) INDIRECT COST (bp.) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 No. of co. Seoul 682 684 683 1,619 1,689 Hong Kong 978 1,037 1,096 1,135 1,173 Kuala
30% increase in SG&A, mainly from profession fees relating to the investment in the Outrigger-branded hotel portfolio, as previously mentioned. Page 5 of 5 Financial Costs (Interest Expenses) In 1Q18
contributed by higher maintenance and utility costs. In 9M17, the Company had total revenue of THB 23,042 mn and net profit of THB 7,742 mn, or YoY increases of 6.0% and 10.2% respectively. also slightly
continued focus on maximising delivery and retail sales. These actions, along with careful management of all costs and expenses, resulted in the company making a net profit in the first quarter of 2021 of THB
% 27,229 24,513 11.1% Earnings per share (Baht) 4.73 4.82 4.28 (1.8)% 10.6% 14.26 12.84 11.1% Net interest margin 2.42% 2.33% 2.30% 0.09% 0.12% 2.38% 2.32% 0.06% Net fees and service income to operating
baht an increase of 23.52 percent. Marketing consulting fees for seeking work for projects in the company. Finance costs The 3rd quarter of the year 2019, the company and its subsidiaries had financial
baht an increase of 23.52 percent. Marketing consulting fees for seeking work for projects in the company. Finance costs The 3rd quarter of the year 2019, the company and its subsidiaries had financial
ability to manage costs efficiently. N E T P R O F I T a n d N E T P R O F I T M A R G I N : Executive S U M M A R Y : Q 2 / 2 0 2 2 K e y F i n a n c i a l H i g h l i g h t s 1EBITDA Margin and Net Profit
and public utility fees Baht 277/sq.m./month Fees Total Baht 677/sq.m./month (Common and public utility fees include water supply, power supply, security system, parking, passenger lifts in the building