%) 5.31 0.05% 4.29 0.04% (1.02) (19.20%) Total revenues 3,590.56 100.00% 3,587.58 100.00% (2.98) (0.08%) 11,264.47 100.00% 10,340.77 100.00% (923.69) (8.20%) Distribution costs 184.53 5.14% 159.17 4.44
2,158.1 98.9 2,425.0 96.4 Franchise Fees Income 15.1 0.7 56.5 2.2 Other Income 8.7 0.4 33.7 1.3 Total Revenue 2,181.9 100.0 2,515.2 100.0 Remark: (1) Percentage of Total Revenue Most of the Group’s revenue
, depreciation, other managing fees, etc. which is in line with the increase of real estate developments mentioned above. III Finance Costs Comprising interests from bank loans and financial leasing agreements, in
goods sold 132.88 144.09 (7.79) 145.94 (8.96) 278.81 287.60 (3.06) Distribution costs and administrative expenses Distribution costs 47.18 34.63 36.24 37.54 25.68 84.73 67.99 24.62 Administrative expenses
56.90 34.89 Finance costs - Existing businesses 19.63 31.49 (11.86) Finance costs - Solar energy 26.33 1.80 24.52 Profit before income tax 45.84 23.61 22.23 Income tax expense 2.41 4.26 (1.84) Total
56.90 34.89 Finance costs - Existing businesses 19.63 31.49 (11.86) Finance costs - Solar energy 26.33 1.80 24.52 Profit before income tax 45.84 23.61 22.23 Income tax expense 2.41 4.26 (1.84) Total
6.35 263.45 0.77 795.64 792.27 0.43 Cost of goods sold 139.69 129.14 8.17 132.87 5.13 418.50 416.74 0.42 Distribution costs and administrative expenses Distribution costs 46.25 33.48 38.14 47.18 (1.97
comparing to its previous year. The Company recorded total costs and expenses of THB 4,385. 76 million, increase by THB 1,373. 04 million or 45. 57% , when comparing to the same period of last year. In
95. 14 million respectively, increasing by 0.3%. The proportion of the costs of hospital operations incurred compared to total revenues in 3Q16 and 3Q17 were 74.6% ad 61.0%, respectively. This increase
was 64.8%, increased from 63.1% in 2022, mainly due to the increase in the revenue from dessert cafés as well as the Company's ability to manage costs effectively. G R O S S P R O F I T a n d G R O S S