to the SEC?s investigation.? ?Before sending a letter to invite Mr. Anchanbutr, I had informed him in advance via telephone interview on September 6, 2004 on TTV3 hosted by Mr. Chirmsak Pinthong
company to establish Vanachai Logistics Co., Ltd. which will operate the business of receiving - sending goods within the country. The company will then invest in ordinary shares of Vanachai Logistics Co
aiding and abetting Sagha?s share manipulation by finding trading accounts of other persons for Sagha, sending trading orders to manipulate the share prices, and helping with financial transactions related
February 23, 2010. For Watanya and Nitiwat, the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) had penalized them, as authorized traders, on account of sending improper trading orders in violation of SET regulations
with the trend of many stock exchanges around world that allow the sending of trading orders through program trading technology, especially high frequency trading (HFT). Right now, overseas securities
with the trend of many stock exchanges around world that allow the sending of trading orders through program trading technology, especially high frequency trading (HFT). Right now, overseas securities
unitholders attending the meetings or sending the vote letter if it is a resolution on general matters such as changing the fund type from a closed-end fund to an open-end fund or merging funds to reduce
150 days as well, or (2) sending a letter requesting PVD members’ certification of the financial statements and the auditor’s reports on the condition that the certified documents are submitted to SEC
decisions for a client without authorization, sending trading orders from a client?s account to inflate securities prices and the credit line of another client who held the same securities, and intentionally
properly, whether by sending them home or turning them into something else. Now, we, the public and private sector, will join hands in making the future. Sea must be plastic free, and wild animals will