the deviation of AdjRW recorded in the past. The amount of Baht 14.92, and 18.81 million for diagnosis related group (DRG) received in year 2013 and 2015 respectively and the amount of Baht 8.46 million
challenging in 1Q19. In strategic areas, aggressive price plans and handset campaigns were launched, especially in prepaid, in which AIS was competitive to preserve scale. As a result, mobile revenue grew 1.1
PowerPoint Presentation 1 CLIMATE EMERGENCY NATURE IN CRISIS MOUNTING INEQUALITY A SIMPLIFIED SUSTAINABILITY FOCUS 2 1.5 (Challenging on 2DS (2 degree scenario) target Best target for
deviation) ควำมเห็นบริษัทจัดกำรเกี่ยวกับกำรลงทุนและทิศทำงในอนำคต พอร์ตกำรลงทุน ณ 30 มิ.ย. 59 กรอบการลงทุน : หุ้นไทย 100% โดยเน้นลงทุนใน SET50 แต่อาจลงทุนในหุ้นขนาดเล็กบ้างถ้ามีจังหวะท าก าไร และ กระจายการ
Social Security Scheme caused by the deviation of the past-record AdjRW advised by the Social Security Office resulting in the medical-service- fee adjustment of Baht 14.92, and 18.81 million for diagnosis
The meeting discussed significant and challenging issues such as harmful, but legal conduct. In this regard, the SEC Secretary-General shared her view on the importance of information disclosure
Performance Fee : 2564 * AIA New Multinationals Fund Class Z USD AIA Global Multi-Factor Equity Fund Class Z USD l l l AIA-GAA 10 * 2. * * 5 4. (standard deviation) 11.66% * 5 5
AIA-GCA 8 * 2. * * 5 4. (standard deviation) 5.28% * 5 5. (Tracking Error: TE): N/A 6. Foreign Investment Allocation * 3. 5 -4.54% 1. (Benchmark) : (1) MSCI World Index (Total Return) 30
Multinationals Fund Class Z USD 2564 * l l AIA-GMA 10 * 2. * * 5 4. (standard deviation) 8.21% * 5 5. (Tracking Error: TE): N/A 6. Foreign Investment Allocation * 3
Fund standard deviation Benchmark standard deviation Warning • Investments in the mutual fund are not deposits. • The mutual fund’s past performance does not guarantee future results. 3 years 5 years 10