Derivatives Act B.E.2546. The Bangkok South Criminal Court fined the accused of Baht 40,000. As the accused confessed, the fine was reduced by half to a fine of Baht 20,000. DV Act S.16 Criminal Complaint
40,000. As the accused confessed, the penalty was reduced by half to a 6 months imprisonment and a fine of Baht 20,000. Since the accused had never been sentenced to imprisonment, the jail term was
forms and depositor signatures of her clients. Nuchanart later confessed to TMB in writing that she had committed frauds against her clients’ assets and had sought undue benefits for herself at an
units of funds had been traded according to their intention. Miss Surasa Mungthaworn confessed that she had fraudulently taken over 17 million baht from clients to be used for her own interest
Capital Nomura Securities PLC., a number of securities trading orders from an account of {A}'s client had no supporting evidence for a period of time. {A} admitted to Capital Nomura Securities PLC., that he
and then inform the client afterward. {A} admitted that her client had authorized her to help adjust the client's investment portfolio to cut losses in the account. She also confirmed the trading with
orders were sent through over the internet and under her securities trader ID while the client acknowledged and did not reject the transactions. {A} admitted that she was the one submitting all trading
? behalf. With the said authorization, he traded with high trading volume for a period of time. {A} admitted to Maybank Kim Eng Securities that he used clients' User IDs and passwords to send trading orders
report from Phatra Securities Plc. that {A} failed to record many securities trading orders of his clients. {A} admitted that he took such trading orders via mobile phone.Failure to record client's
evidenced by large amount of related transactions. She then admitted that she took the client's trading orders via mobile phone.The aforesaid actions are in violation of Clause 20(3) of the Notification of