Bangkok, 24 January 2024 – The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reinforces collaboration with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) regarding the legal proceedings against the falsification of accounts and financial statements, and the deceitful practices towards the public in the case of Stark Corporation Public Company Limited (STARK). The SEC is also prepared to extend full cooperation if DSI requires additional clarifications or further investigation in the case.Accord...
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), led by Mr. Thawatchai Pittayasophon, Deputy Secretary-General, and Ms. Pattanaporn Tripipat, Assistant Secretary-General, had a joint meeting with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), led by Police Major Yutthana Praedam, Deputy Director General and Acting Director General, and Police Lieutenant Colonel Jukkrit Visetketgarn, Director of the Bureau of Financial-Banking Crimes and Money Laundering, to discuss the developments of the leg...
that can be served as reception space and working space under the zone named “Work from Here”. The Company also offered various credit card promotions and various forms of sales promotions through
Issues and Challenges” under the Strengthening Corporate Governance of Listed Companies Initiative. The seminar aimed to reinforce the role of financial advisors as gatekeepers in preparing companies for
customers with high purchasing power, DIY, Accessories, Smartphones, and Television. Notably, in 2022, the Company planned to sell a wide range of Apple products to reinforce its brand positioning and
No. WHAUP-CS025/2018 28 May 2018 Subject: Notification of Information Memorandum of Related Party Transaction in Relation to Right to Operate Water Utilities Business in WHA Hemaraj Industrial Zone 1
-being," aiming to boost sustainable investment products knowledge of the public, investors, SMEs, and startups operators. The booth was divided into two zones: (1) “Sustainable Investment” zone to provide
Committee?s investigation to reinforce the investing public?s confidence in the Thai capital market. Earlier, the SEC sent a letter to the AEC requesting the newly acquired information on the case, but
Industrial Zone 1, Nghe An ประเทศเวียดนาม เรียน กรรมการและผู้จดัการ ตลาดหลกัทรัพย์แหง่ประเทศไทย เมื่อวนัที่ 28 พฤษภาคม 2561 WHAUP Nghe An Joint Stock Company (“WHAUP Nghe An JSC”) ซึ่งเป็น บริษัทย่อยโดยอ้อมของ
Company renovated its branches to be more modernized and increase their sizes with an aim to create a community space for customers that can be served as reception space and working space under the zone