’ equity as mentioned above. As a result, debt to equity ratio increased but remained at low level of merely 0.47x. In respect of liquidity ratio in this quarter, the ratios were almost unchanged yoy. Trade
business, the number slows down as per usual with the decent direction of property rental. Existing clients remain unchanged. The company has a plan prepared since the end of 2019 as the real estate business
additional four stores in the United States and that the they have been fully impaired in the administrative expense of the quarter. In 3Q 2019, the Company has entered into Global Strategic Partnership
รดอ้ยค่าดา้นเครดิตเม่ือซ้ือหรือเม่ือเกิดรายการ (Purchased or originated credit impaired) 4 ผลกำรด ำเนินงำนรวมของธนำคำรและบริษัทย่อย 2 ไม่รวมสินทรัพยท์างการเงินท่ีมีการดอ้ยค่าดา้นเครดิตเม่ือซ้ือหรือ
expected to severely contract during the outbreak. The export sector has been impacted by declining demand from trading partners and supply chain disruption, while the tourism sector has been impaired by
อ้ยค่าดา้นเครดิตเม่ือซ้ือหรือเม่ือเกิดรายการ (Purchased or originated credit-impaired) และวดัมูลค่าดว้ยราคาทุนตดัจ าหน่าย ในเร่ืองสญัญาเช่าจะมีการรับรู้สินทรัพยสิ์ทธิการใชแ้ละหน้ีสินตามสญัญาเช่า ภำวะ
be impaired, and the audit quality shall not be compromised. 8. Details of the Quality Control System of the Audit Firm For the SEC Office’s consideration regarding the policies and procedures on the
the Audit Firm in the previous accounting period ensuring that the independence of the auditors shall not be impaired, and the audit quality shall not be compromised. 8. Details of the Quality Control
/ Total loans (excluding interbank) 4.0 Total loan loss reserve/ Total NPLs (coverage ratio) 1 114.1 113.2 110.1 111.2 111.2 115.9 1 Excluding loans classified as Purchased or originated credit impaired
its subsidiaries recorded selling expenses of Baht 204 million, quite unchanged YoY. Selling expenses to sales was 15.0%, an increase from 13.4% in Q1/2017 due to lower sales. Q1/2018 Administrative