On August 28, 2017, the Company issued and offered 2,000,000 units of 3-year debentures with a par value of Baht 1,000 each, totaling Baht 2,000 million. The debentures will be mature on August 28
ควำมเส่ียงและควำมเสียหำยในระดบัหน่ึงแลว้ - เพื่อใหเ้หมำะสมกบัสถำนะของ SMEs/startups ท่ี ระดมทุนผำ่น crowdfunding ซ่ึงยงัอำจไม่สำมำรถ รับภำระค่ำใชจ่้ำยต่ำงๆ ไดเ้ท่ำ issuers ท่ีมีขนำดใหญ่/ mature กวำ่ ส ำ
allocating the project area into Develop land for sale, construction of residential buildings in condominiums for sale and developed for construction to be Community Mall for sale. 2. The total expenses
technology of press part of motor for Electric fan, Exhaust fan which are designed and developed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Melco), by purchasing through Mitsubishi Electric Trading Corporation (MT
technology of press part of motor for Electric fan, Exhaust fan which are designed and developed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Melco), by purchasing through Mitsubishi Electric Trading Corporation (MT
6. Mr. Tomohiko Kasai None 8) Reasonableness of transaction 1. The requirement and attribution of mold is designed and developed by MELNAKA. Therefore, it must be purchased the mold through MT due to
Responsible Investment initiative developed by investors and supported by the United Nations, offering principles for responsible investment to be applied voluntarily to investment decision making and ownership
were revised by the Stock Exchange of Thailand in 2012 and came into effect in 2013. Also, the Thai Institute of Directors has developed a star-rating system to assess the corporate governance of
SEC Secretary-General Pornanong Budsaratragoon said: “The Thai capital market has developed in line with the global emphasis on climate change initiatives. The Thai version of the TCFD
corporate governance of the Thai listed companies and preparing the Thai capital market on par with international standards whereas related laws have to be developed or amended to support the aforesaid