, including the company's project to construct a new corporate office building in order to expand its office space which will be developed on another plot of land with a total area of 5-0-22.6 rais situated on
Investment developed by PRI to their respective contexts, as deemed appropriate, as their efforts can contribute to the Thai capital market’s substantial progress in sustainable development. The SEC would
-corruption practices. The ?CSR and Anti-corruption Progress Indicators for Thai Listed Companies? were developed and launched, respectively. These efforts will continually be driven forwards with even more
professions, such as direct sales, will be developed and more varieties of investment channels will be created to serve the public needs, such as convenient stores, modern trades. The initiatives would help
stakeholders continuously. _______________________ Remark: * The PACC has developed a guideline manual for establishing public sector corruption risk assessment systems and has conducted a qualitative
On August 28, 2017, the Company issued and offered 2,000,000 units of 3-year debentures with a par value of Baht 1,000 each, totaling Baht 2,000 million. The debentures will be mature on August 28
ควำมเส่ียงและควำมเสียหำยในระดบัหน่ึงแลว้ - เพื่อใหเ้หมำะสมกบัสถำนะของ SMEs/startups ท่ี ระดมทุนผำ่น crowdfunding ซ่ึงยงัอำจไม่สำมำรถ รับภำระค่ำใชจ่้ำยต่ำงๆ ไดเ้ท่ำ issuers ท่ีมีขนำดใหญ่/ mature กวำ่ ส ำ
of the Criteria described in Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 above. Developed by leaders in the hydropower sector The Hydropower Criteria were developed with the input of multiple expert stakeholders. The Climate
bag of Thai words was developed for analyzing wordings in the KAM sections of 334 Thai-listed firms during 2016–2017. Literature review – The informative value of KAMS KAMs - Areas of higher assessed
reduction of required rate of return. As for the characteristic-based argument, it is developed from evidence that growth is mean reverting process (Fama and French, 2000), and that the empirical link between