(เช่น ให้กู้ ยืม เงิน) ผู้ลงทนุควรเปิดเผยความขดัแย้งทางผลประโยชน์ดงักลา่ว จดัให้มีมาตรการเพ่ือลดหรือแก้ไขความ ขดัแย้งทางผลประโยชน์นัน้ มีความสามารถในการติดตามดแูลการปฏิบตัิ (compliance capabilities) รวม
ด์ฟันดิงและมาตรฐานการประกอบธุรกิจ โดยมีข้อกำหนดดังต่อไปนี้ (1)3ꃂ㰀⼀猀甀瀀㸀Ā㈎⌎䀎⨎ᤎⴎȎ㈎∎⬎┎ㄎĎᜎ⌎ㄎḎ∎䰎Ў⌎㈎✎ᐎ䰎Ἆㄎᤎᐎ㐎ᔀ㈎ℎ㈎Ў㈀ ᐀ㄎᤎ㔎䤎㰎⼀瀀㸀ഀ㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀瀀愀搀搀椀渀最ⴀ氀攀昀琀㨀㘀 瀀砀㬀∀㸀
in compliance with different guideline, should it be able to demonstrate to the Office that such guideline provides for appropriate and effective operating system with acceptable standard. The
is in accordance with this guideline, its operating system shall be deemed compliant with the requirement in the aforesaid notification by the Office. The management company may proceed in compliance
application for an offer for sale of units of a REIT shall be approved by the SEC Office upon compliance with the following rules: (1) general characteristics of the REIT: (a) the trust instrument or the draft
security as well as supervise, monitor and examine compliance with such policies, measures, and operating systems, and review the suitability thereof regularly; In the interest of meeting the aforesaid
the company’s related employees for effective and complete preparedness to ensure that KLeasing will be able to conduct business in strict compliance with laws. 5 Market Conduct The Bank of Thailand
security as well as supervise, monitor and examine compliance with such policies, measures, and operating systems, and review the suitability thereof regularly; In the interest of meeting the aforesaid
plan, focusing on provision of knowledge and environmental, social and governance (ESG) compliance, at both the national and international level, including analysis, comparison and assessment of KBank
regulatory provisions, market credibility requires that their status in terms of coverage, implementation, compliance and sanctions is clearly specified. C. The division of responsibilities among different