Market Supervisory Board thereof, shall be repealed. For the preliminary period of conformity to this Notification, the transitional provisions shall be applied, as specified in detail in Chapter 8
, shall be repealed. For the preliminary period of conformity to this Notification, the transitional provisions shall be applied, as specified in detail in Chapter 8. 3 Division 4 Powers of the SEC Office
, shall be repealed. For the preliminary period of conformity to this Notification, the transitional provisions shall be applied, as specified in detail in Chapter 8. 3 Division 4 Powers of the SEC Office
system Holding a lecture on Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) for executives Launching the “KBank Honest People” campaign to promote a culture of integrity in the workplace, in adherence
, as a regulated financial institution, is awaiting the clarification of the forthcoming Bank of Thailand’s notification in order to perform in compliance with the mandatory guidelines. Corporate
>ꃂ㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀ㰀瀀 猀琀礀氀攀㴀∀瀀愀搀搀椀渀最ⴀ氀攀昀琀㨀㘀 瀀砀㬀∀㸀ⴀ㈎⠎ㄎ∎ⴎ㌎ᤎ㈎ࠎᔎ㈎ℎЎ✎㈎ℎ䌎ᤎℎ㈎ᔎ⌎㈎㘀⼀㘀 䄀┎『ℎ㈎ᔎ⌎㈎㌀㐀 䄀⬎䠎Ḏ⌎『⌎㈎ᨎㄎഎഎㄎᔎ㐎⬎┎ㄎĎᜎ⌎ㄎḎ∎䰎䄎┎『ᔎ┎㈎ᐎ⬎┎ㄎĎᜎ⌎ㄎḎ∎䰎Ḁ⸎⠀⸎ ㈀㔀㌀㔀㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀ㰀瀀㸀㘎䠎䄎Ď䤎䐎Ȏ䀎Ḏ㐎䠎ℎ䀎ᔎ㐎ℎ䈎ᐎ∎Ḏ⌎『⌎㈎ᨎㄎഎഎㄎᔎ㐎
for Submitting Information or Documentation _________________________ Clause 5 The submission of information or documentation to the SEC Office shall be in compliance with the following rules. In this
Corporate Awards 2020” จดัโดย Alpha Southeast Asia ประกอบดว้ยรางวลั “Strongest Adherence to Corporate Governance” , “Most Organized Investor Relations” และ “Most Consistent Dividend Policy” บี.กริม ปันน ้ำใจ
management of potential conflicts of interest, such as those which may arise around related party transactions; e) oversee the integrity of the company’s accounting and reporting systems, its compliance with
(เช่น ให้กู้ ยืม เงิน) ผู้ลงทนุควรเปิดเผยความขดัแย้งทางผลประโยชน์ดงักลา่ว จดัให้มีมาตรการเพ่ือลดหรือแก้ไขความ ขดัแย้งทางผลประโยชน์นัน้ มีความสามารถในการติดตามดแูลการปฏิบตัิ (compliance capabilities) รวม