funds consists of cash generated from liquidity and internal cash flows of the Company and subsidiaries plus loans from financial institution(s). 10. Entering into Transactions with a company in which the
the Company and subsidiaries plus loans from financial institution(s). 10. Entering into Transactions with a company in which the parties connected to the Company hold 10% or more of total voting rights
certain financial support to CAZ as the guarantor with the financial institution, which is the requirement for credit facility support. Currently, there is negotiation for unload such the collateral. The
Company is one of its shareholders. 2. The Company has certain financial support to CAZ as the guarantor with the financial institution, which is the requirement for credit facility support. Currently
. 2. The Company has certain financial support to CAZ as the guarantor with the financial institution, which is the requirement for credit facility support. Currently, there is negotiation for unload
. 2. The Company has certain financial support to CAZ as the guarantor with the financial institution, which is the requirement for credit facility support. Currently, there is negotiation for unload
. 9 9. Source of Investment Capital The source of funding for the acquisition of ordinary shares of COMASS will come from the Company’s working capital and loan granted from a financial institution. In
repaid loans from financial institution, therefore, total interest-bearing debt was amounted to THB 4,737 million, a decrease of THB 4 million, representing an interest- bearing debt to equity ratio of
granted by a financial institution. 11. Opinion of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors has viewed that the Advertising Media Renovation Transaction would benefit the Company in terms of providing
ยละ 15 Financial institution company limit ลงทุนไมเกินรอยละ 20 Total Fund limit ลงทุนไมเกินรอยละ 20 Individual Fund limit ลงทุนไมเกินรอยละ 10 รายละเอียดการลงทุน สวนของขอมูลในหนังสือ ช้ีชวนฉบับ