Bangkok, August 26, 2014 ? The SEC supports commercial banks and their subsidiaries to expand their businesses in relation to new capital market products by taking roles of financial advisors
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Bangkok, August 29, 2014 ? SEC supports commercial banks to emphasize on social responsibility and join Collective Action Coalition (CAC) by aiming to obtain the CAC certifications by 2015.Chalee
Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), welcomed the delegation of the Association of International Banks (AIB) led by Mrs. Somlak Tinmanee
Bangkok, February 10, 2014 ? Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) discussed with the Thai Bankers? Association (TBA) and the Association of International Banks (AIB), on the commercial banks
by commercial banks and banks established under specific laws, but limited to those with investment grade* credit rates or support rating**, as the case may be, including government-guaranteed banks
?Bangkok, August 4, 2014 ? The SEC will allow commercial banks to offer for sale to retail investors, Basel III tier 2 instruments with condition of conversion to equity and specified floor
Kanjanakul, Director General of the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP); and representatives from the private sector, including commercial banks, record labels, and artists.The meeting, organized by DIP
custodians under draft amendments to the Provident Fund (PVD) Act and within the securities trading framework. The Custodian Club consists of 13 members, including commercial banks engaging in fund supervision
the Deposit Protection Agency Act B.E. 2551. The revision will require securities company or derivatives broker to deposit client?s money with commercial banks or invest in promissory notes and bills of