has announced the various measurements to stimulate domestic palm oil consumption; for example, lifting up the minimum blending of B7 from 6.5% to 6.8% since 5th November 2018, promoting the use of B20
, resulting in reduced supportive factors to overall purchasing power. Meanwhile, internal factors were mainly due to costs increased from various reasons, especially from investments in the past 3 years
‐zero m owers, and equi PEX (excluding s vering return t e dividend polic have the financ s based on con dividend paym ries. Such divid hich are subject to various d‐looking terminology such available
offer various retail loan services to customers. Commercial Lending business amounted to Baht 41,790 million, an increase of 1.1% from the end of 2016. Commercial Lending includes real estate development
offer various retail loan services to customers. Commercial Lending business amounted to Baht 41,790 million, an increase of 1.1% from the end of 2016. Commercial Lending includes real estate development
and shareholders in various aspects such as: Facilitate ICUK’s business operation in pursuant to the business plan that the Company believes in that ICUK would potentially generate profit in the
believes that the Change of overseas subsidiaries’ capital structure transaction could potentially result in benefits to the Company and shareholders in various aspects such as: Facilitate ICUK’s business
advice to the customer, taking into account various factors of the customer, such as the purpose of investment, knowledge and understanding of risk and investment, investment experience, financial position
”3 means an analysis of various data relating to securities to be used in advising or disseminating, whether directly or indirectly, on the value of securities or the suitability of investing in such
securities; “analysis of investment in securities”3 means an analysis of various data relating to securities to be used in advising or disseminating, whether directly or indirectly, on the value of securities