)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 I Person acquiring or disposing
) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 I Person acquiring or disposing: Common shares
acquisition/disposition Securities acquired/disposed of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Name of person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4
acquisition/disposition Securities acquired/disposed of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Name of person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4
acquired/disposed of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Name of person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3
: Securities held before acquisition/disposition Securities acquired/disposed of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Name of person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting
of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Name of person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4
person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Securities held before acquisition/disposition Securities acquired/disposed of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Number of Units 2 Voting
acquired/disposed of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Name of person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage 4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3
acquired/disposed of Securities held after acquisition/disposition Name of person(s)/juristic person(s) Type(s) of securities Number of Units2 Voting rights3 Percentage4 Number of Units2 Voting rights3