of exchange issued, accepted or avaled by or drawn on financial institution will no longer be exempted but will be defined and regulated as securities under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535
SEC would like to emphasize that digital asset businesses are regulated under the Digital Asset Business Emergency Decree. Only providers who have obtained relevant licenses under the law are allowed to
quota of up to USD5 million only through authorized private fund operators, but investments in securities listed on regulated exchanges may be made through authorized securities brokers; 3. Authorized
account recorded Baht 14.95 million as losses from investment in an associated company and a jointly-controlled entity, which decreased by Baht 9.70 million or 39.35%. The Company wish to explain the main
fitness center for three months. Consequently, the closure of the hotel’s facilities had significantly affected the hotel revenues overall. For expenditures, the Company carefully controlled costs and
corporate governance principles to family-controlled businesses, expectations from institutional investors and disclosure of beneficial ownership in businesses in Asia. -------------* Established https
Notification shall come into force as from 16 June 2021. Clause 2 In this Notification: “collective investment schemes” means foreign collective investment schemes authorised and supervised by the home regulator
to clients shall be supervised in accordance with the work system laid out by the intermediary . Clause 26 For the communication with or providing services to a new client , an intermediary shall
provision of services to clients shall be supervised in accordance with the work system laid out by the intermediary. Clause 26 For the communication with or providing services to a new client, an
provision of services to clients shall be supervised in accordance with the work system laid out by the intermediary. Clause 26 For the communication with or providing services to a new client, an