วะสุวรรณ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ ภาคบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัย เกษตรศาสตร์ • ผลงานวิจัยเรื่อง “A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals” - Presentation - บทศึกษา โดย
4.2 percent in 2018. Against the backdrop of a global trade slowdown and US-China trade uncertainty, merchandise exports and imports for the year contracted by 2.7 and 4.7 percent from 2018
uncertainty concerning entity’s ability to continue as a going concern (paragraph........); ( 5.2 An uncertainty relating to the future outcome of exceptional litigation or regulatory action (paragraph
........). 5. Have emphasis of matter paragraphs resulting from (can choose more than one): ฆ 5.1 An uncertainty concerning entity’s ability to continue as a going concern (paragraph........); ฆ 5.2 An
apply) ( 5.1 Using of going concern assumption appropriate but a material uncertainty exists (paragraph number.......) ( 5.2 An uncertainty relating to the future outcome of exceptional litigation or
% to 24% in 1st quarter 2018. World sugar price volatility At the beginning of 2017, world sugar price has climbed up to 20 cent/lb then dropped sharply to 13 – 14 cent/lb at the beginning of 2018 due to
างสูงมากและคงที่ ไมไดแปรผันตาม Historical Volatility ของปจจัยอางอิง และสวนใหญไมไดมีการเปดเผยคา Implied Volatility ไวอยางชัดเจน หรือในกรณีที่มีการเปดเผยขอมูลก็เปนการเปดเผยขอมูลในลักษณะ
. The main reason that the revenue from sales has decreased due to the Rubber wood kiln dried sawn timber which is the main business of the company in 2018 has highly volatility of the market that caused
of 23%. The details were as followings; Revenue decrease due to World sugar price volatility At the beginning of 2017, world sugar price has climbed up to 20 cent/lb then dropped sharply to 13 - 14
from the same period of last year due to loss on forward contract caused by foreign exchange volatility during the Covid-19 pandemic. 1.2 Cost of goods sold and expenses Consolidated financial statements