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. • Improve information disclosure for investors to grasp growth & strategy drivers. • Emphasize understanding on ESG investment should relate along business value chain & is considered as a long-term value
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กฎกระทรวง ฉบับที่ 5 (พ -Unofficial translation- This English version is prepared by Legal Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the comprehension of foreign participants in the SEC’s rules
comprehension of foreign participants in the rules and regulations promulgated under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 and shall not in any event be construed or interpreted as having effect in
facilitating the comprehension of foreign participants in the SEC’s rules and regulations and shall not in any event be construed or interpreted as having effect in substitution for or supplementary to the Thai
fee remains unpaid prior to the date on which this Ministerial Regulation comes into force." This English version is prepared by Legal Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the comprehension
. 2002. ___________________________ This English version is prepared by Legal Department with the sole purpose of facilitating the comprehension of foreign participants in the SEC’s rules and