debentures which will lead to a decreased finance cost as well as more financial stability and liquidity. 4.2 Possibility of the plan to use capital from the rights offering The Company expects the issuance
existing rule, on the contrary, allows a 30-day lead time for such filing during which changes may be made to the registration statement anytime, and as often as necessary. In addition, during the 14-day
. Outsourcing does not have a huge amount of service providers, resulting to a situation where outsourcee cannot be employed immediately, and this might lead to an effect regarding the capital market. Business
Socatiyanurak, the SEC Secretary-General.? ?Recognizing that Luxembourg is truly the European center for mutual fund industry, I see that this MoU would lead to deeper and broader cooperation between capital
capital requirement by taking into account the types of business models as well as the existence of lead regulator (if any). Also, certain conditions and periods of protection have been adjusted in this
information would lead to investors? better understanding of the products and more convenient comparison with other financial instruments. Also, a previous hearing on the principles for the disclosure amendment
lending to finance securities trading because such activities can stimulate artificial purchasing power beyond investors? real ability. Such condition may lead to inappropriate trading, impacts on the
? securities trading. Unorganized market loans can inflate artificial purchasing power beyond clients? actual capacity, which may lead to inappropriate trading and widespread damages to the market. The SEC
”) จาก lead underwriter หรือ arranger รวมทั้ง affiliates (1) ในบางกรณี issuer ตอ้งการจดัอนัดบั องคก์รก่อน หรือจดัอนัดบัตราสาร โดยยงัไม่ทราบวา่องคก์รใดเป็น lead underwriter (1) เน่ืองจากยงัไม่มีตวักลางใดท า
taxonomies/classifications Strengthening of government policy and legislation These shifts are likely to lead to: - Increased accountability, transparency - A red line under impact-washing related challenges