percent of the Company’s Net Tangible Assets (“NTA”) (NTA of the Company as per the financial statement as of December 31, 2016 was Baht 11,934.47 million) which was less than Baht 100 million or 3% of the
transaction is not considered as material transaction, as the highest value of transaction size is calculated to be 4% of net tangible assets of the Company. Comparison of Consideration Paid criteria and the
) Size of Transaction (Present) Size of Transaction : Interest amount 10.50 Million Baht or 0.21 % of the net tangible assets. 5.3) Size of Transaction : Size of the transaction equal to 0.93 % of the net
the Stock Exchange of Thailand concerning the Acquisition and Disposition of Assets namely 1) the net tangible asset value basis 2) the net profit basis and 3) the total value of consideration basis
assistance is approximately 0.72 percent of the Company’s Net Tangible Assets (NTA) (NTA of the Company as per the latest financial statement as of 30 September 2017 was Baht 13,870.87 million) which is less
Company’s net tangible assets as of September 30, 2017. Therefore, the transaction was required to be approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and disclose the details of the transaction to the Stock
Value of transaction 36.15 0.70% NTA 3 5.2) Size of Transaction (Present) Size of Transaction : Interest amount 27.00 Million Baht or 0.52 % of the net tangible assets. 5.3) Size of Transaction : Size of
: Interest amount 10.50 Million Baht or 0.20 % of the net tangible assets. 5.3) Size of Transaction Size of Transaction : Size of the transaction equal to 1.10% of the net tangible assets by calculating from
period 6 months. 3 5.2) Size of Transaction (Present) Size of Transaction : Interest amount 7.00 Million Baht or 0.14 % of the net tangible assets. 5.3) Size of Transaction Size of Transaction : Size of
period 6 months. 3 5.2) Size of Transaction (Present) Size of Transaction : Interest amount 7.00 Million Baht or 0.14 % of the net tangible assets. 5.3) Size of Transaction Size of Transaction : Size of