Transformation Films Co.,Ltd. The investment above falls under “the acquisition and disposal of asset” in which total transaction value is less than 15% of MPIC’s Net Tangible Asset (NTA), and is not considered as
is the price that agreed between buyer and seller by comparing on accounting valuation of Chiang Rai Frozen Co., Ltd Transaction Size 0.11% of Net Tangible Asset on 31sth March 2018 is considered by
on the net tangible assets basis and after combining the transactions of disposal of the assets during the past 6 months prior to the day the decision to enter into this transaction was made is equal
will further demonstrate the SEC role in promoting and supporting the business sector’s consideration of human rights in a tangible way and building international recognition of Thailand’s SDG
ีcredit rating AA (haircut = 1.5%) มลูคา่ 1,000 ลบ. จาก issue amount 20,000 ลบ. 60 ตวัอยา่งการค านวณ Large Exposure Risk 6/14 STEP 1 : ค านวณ Large Exposure Risk วธิที ี ่1 1. ค านวณหาสถานะเงนิลงทนุสทุธ
means any assets and activities are potentially eligible use-of-proceeds, if they meet the necessary requirements. STEP 3 STEP 2 STEP 1 • Element Energy • EIB • EBRD • University College London
tangible asset value of the Company as of December 31, 2017, which is greater than 0.03% but less than 3.00% of the net tangible asset value of the Company. Therefore, the Company is required to obtain the
0f the net tangible asset value of the Company as of December 31, 2017, which is greater than 0.03% but less than 3.00% of the net tangible asset value of the Company. Therefore, the Company is
production. Total price of the transactions is 6,047,500 THB or percentage 1.43 of the Net Tangible Asset, which is greater than 0.03 percent and less than 3 percent of Net Tangible Asset (NTA) of the company
Tel. 02-897-8888, 02-897-8800 Fax. 02-897-8890 Size of Transaction : 58.08 million baht/ 5,129.35 million baht Size of Transaction : Size of the transaction equal to 1.13% of the net tangible assets by