to mislead the general public to believe that YCI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that time which was not consistent with the normal market conditions. Additionally, he continuously
(SSI) via internet trading system to resulting in trading such share which was not consistent with normal market in order to lure general public to trade such share. SEC Act S.243(2) Settlement
trading such share which was not consistent with normal market conditions in order to lure general public to trade such share. SEC Act S.243(2) Settlement Committee Meeting No. 3/2016 Settlement
Building Confidence in the Capital Market No. 103/2014 Extension of deadline for VTE financial statements Bangkok, July 21, 2014 – The SEC extended the deadline for submitting Vintage Engineering Plc
Bangkok, September 1, 2014 ? The SEC notified Vintage Engineering Plc. (VTE) to rectify its Q2/2014 financial statements due to auditor?s qualified opinion arising from scope restriction. VTE is then
that time which was not consistent with the normal market conditions. Additionally, she continuously traded RICH shared which results in the purchase or sale of such securities which was not consistent
time which was not consistent with the normal market conditions. Additionally, she continuously traded RICH shared which results in the purchase or sale of such securities which was not consistent with
the general public to believe that UMI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that time which was not consistent with the normal market conditions on purpose to lure the general public to
appropriately and sufficiently in line with the number of clients and the transaction volume; 2) Rectifying the client acceptance policy to be consistent with the work systems capable of providing services
, held on June 30th of 2017, is to approve of The Company entering into the Share Purchase and Debt Agreement; to sell shares and debts in V.O. Net Biodiesel Company Limited (“VON”) to Vintage Engineering