) ........................................................................................................................ Former name (if any) ...................................................................................................................... 1.2 วัน/เดือน/ปีเกิด
least bachelor’s degree or other academic degrees accepted by the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC); (2) having work experience relevant to real estate businesses as well as useful and
businesses as well as useful and practical for property fund managers’ lines of work such as Investment in Real Estate, Real Estate Project Development, Strategic Planning of the Projects, Real Estate
businesses as well as useful and practical for property fund managers’ lines of work such as Investment in Real Estate, Real Estate Project Development, Strategic Planning of the Projects, Real Estate
ดังต่อไปน้ี 2.1 ประวัติ (1) ชื่อ – ชื่อสกุลเดิม (ถ้ามี) Former name (if any) (2) วัน/ เดือน/ปีเกิด อาย ุ ปี เพศ (3) สัญชาติ (4) บัตรประจ าตัวประชาชนเลขที่ ออกให้โดย หมดอายุวันที่ หนังสือเดินทางเลข
) ........................................................................................................................ Former name (if any) ...................................................................................................................... 1.2 วัน/เดือน/ปีเกิด
arrange for its clients’ withdrawal of assets at all times, contact the clients to return their money and digital assets, as well as transfer the money and digital assets according to the clients’ intention
days from the end of such time period. Once the permission is obtained, the mutual fund management company shall immediately appoint a new mutual fund supervisor to replace the former one. Division 2
. Therefore, HE requires additional capital for the construction and its working capital. For 78 years, Marvel characters are globally popular, which was created since May 1939 with many famous characters such
S.H.I.E.L.E.D agent and more than 20 Marvel characters. Therefore, HE requires additional capital for the construction and its working capital. For 78 years, Marvel characters are globally popular, which was