strong, allowing us to invest significantly in our project roadmap, through highly selective growth and turnaround opportunities, leveraging our strengths in core markets and in further enhancing our
roadmap, through highly selective growth and turnaround opportunities, leveraging our strengths in core markets and in further enhancing our products and solutions for our customers. IVL is in the best
สว่นผสมของใยอาหาร แอลคารน์ทินี และวติามนิบ ีซึง่เป็นการออกผลติภัณฑโ์ดยใชก้ารสรา้งธรุกจิแบบสตารท์อพั ทีอ่อกสนิคา้ลอง ตลาดเจาะผูบ้รโิภคเฉพาะกลุม่และจัดจ าหน่ายในชอ่งทางเฉพาะ (Selective Channel) อาท ิชอ่งทา
สามารถบนัทกึ ผลก าไรดงักลา่ว บรษิทัฯ จะมผีลก าไรในปี 2562 อยูท่ี ่812.7 ลา้นบาท ทัง้น้ี ในธุรกจิยางธรรมชาต ิบรษิทัฯ ยงัคงยนืหยดัในกลยุทธก์ารขายแบบ เลอืกสรร (Selective Selling) และเน้นสดัส่วนปรมิาณการ
enhance overall production, vertical integration and quality of earnings. IVL balance sheet and cash flow generation are strong, allowing us to invest significantly in our growth engines, through selective
legal framework applicable to its distribution and, in particular, in competition rules (such as, in the EU, the renewal of the selective distribution block exemption in 2022) could have a significant
addition, investors get access to quality and non-discriminatory services, while businesses are equipped with sound management. At the same time, the development effort will continue for the Thai capital
Equity Capacity COD of projects Selective Growth COD of projects ERU +250MW Rayong WTE +10MW Expansion+18MW +2,771MW COD of projects CUP 4 +45MW NL1PC +26MW CUP 3 Expansion +15MW XPCL +321MW +39.5MW Note
and Wind) FUTURE GROWTH Inorganic Growth 4,748 MW Equity Capacity 4,766 MW Equity Capacity 5,026 MW Equity Capacity COD of projects4,776 MW Equity Capacity COD of projects Selective Growth COD of
COD of projects Selective Growth COD of projects ERU +250MW Rayong WTE +10MW Expansion+18MW +2,771MW COD of projects CUP 4 +45MW NL1PC +26MW CUP 3 Expansion +15MW XPCL +321MW +39.5MW Note: Base on 100