by unduly delaying the taking of a credit rating action. In either case, the CRA should disclose the material modification in a non-selective manner. 3.4 A CRA should disclose its policies and
decrease of THB 110 million, spent on media advertising and sales promotion activities at the selling points to create brand awareness, product experience and purchase intention by focusing on selective
in selective area with high 5G device penetration. AIS emphasizes on delivering best 5G user experience and ensuring good 5G coverage as device penetration grows. Maintain profitability with well
-band as well as millimeter-wave band spectrum, in order to deliver the best quality in selective areas with a high penetration of 5G devices. AIS emphasizes on delivering best 5G user experience in
efforts to grow profitable revenue in selective segments. AIS Fibre continued a strong momentum and closed at 2.2mn in 2022 with a net increase of 400k subscribers or 22% YoY. The growth was driven by
electronic means in a non-discriminatory way. D. Shareholders, including institutional shareholders, should be allowed to consult with each other on issues concerning their basic shareholder rights as defined
ทำงเฉพำะ (Selective Channels) อำท ิชอ่งทำงออนไลน์ และสถำนออกก ำลังกำย โดยจะใชส้ือ่ สังคมออนไลน์ในกำรโฆษณำประชำสมัพันธใ์หถ้งึกลุม่เป้ำหมำยไดม้ำกขึน้ กลุม่ผลติภณัฑข์องใชส้ว่นบุคคล ในปี 2562 รำยไดจ้ำกกำร
party products in both general consumer goods and alcohol beverage categories. Following this, revenue growth from 3rd party products for distribution has been driven by the diversity of selective
sheet and cash flow generation are strong, allowing us to invest significantly in our growth engines, through selective growth and turnaround opportunities, leveraging our strengths in core markets and in
earnings. IVL balance sheet and cash flow generation are strong, allowing us to invest significantly in our growth engines, through selective growth and turnaround opportunities, leveraging our strengths in