, Mr. Phipat Phihakendr and Miss Kanchana Chakvichitsopon, in maliciously creating a false debt for EARTH to prevent its creditor from receiving full or partial payment, dishonestly converting EARTH’s
. Phipat Phihakendr and Miss Kanchana Chakvichitsopon, in maliciously creating a false debt for EARTH to prevent its creditor from receiving full or partial payment, dishonestly converting EARTH’s property
built the operating basis by working together in the synergy business and creating the performance of Jaymart Group to grow firmly in the future. Performance Highlights in Q2/2019 The operating results
and Performance Excellence Operate with Integrity (GRC) Economic Drive by creating ‘Next Growth’ Low Carbon Society Circular Economy Sustainable Production and Consumption ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL People’s
business, conducting in the business of mobile phone distribution and its accessories, has adjusted the operational strategy to focus on creating operating profits under the competitive situation and the
underwriting amounted to Baht 7.95 million, an increase of Baht 16.08 million, as the ratio of net claims (less claim recovery from reinsurers) over earned premium during the same period last year decreased from
also creating innovative products and comprehensive services in keeping with changing customer expectations regarding financial services, with ever-greater consideration of consumer protection and
and youth in the BAAC School Bank project in over 2,000 schools nationwide.BAAC Manager Apirom Sukprasert said that the BAAC focuses on educating students with financial knowledge, creating savings
. SEC Deputy Secretary-General Sirivipa Supantanet said: “Merger and acquisition (M&A) is a key mechanism for strengthening competitiveness and creating opportunities for business sectors. In this
) and service sector from tourism related. Non-durable and semi-durable goods also showing signs of recovery supported by the increase in farm incomes. Meanwhile, private investment also started to