agreement of Thai Plaspac Public Company Limited (TPAC) securities among MODERN, the major shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers). Subsequently, on 27 July
among MODERN, the major shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) by through the assignment of the involving in Securities Purchaser transaction
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 22 July to 18
, the major shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 25 August to 1
shareholder of TPAC, (Securities Seller) and the Lohia family Group (Securities Purchasers) through the assignment of the Securities Purchaser to be involved in the transaction. Subsequently, on 27 July to 5
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This signing organized by the Department of Women's Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS), has Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, Deputy Prime Minister and
receiver : Jubilee Enterprise Public Company Limited Service provider : At Vantage Company Limited Relationship : Close member of the same family of Executive Director 3. Type of transaction : Service
/securities-ITchecklist.xlsx QAQR-03.xlsx Relationships: Are there any business relationships between the firm, principals or staff or their family members and the audit client or its affiliates? e.g. joint