or 16 percent compared to 41 or 8 percent of the total PVDs in 2009. Employers? contributions and employees? savings paid into PVDs expanded by 2.4 percent compared to a 27.1 percent decrease in 2009
% 63.97 34.49 -46.08% Investment income 3.12 - 0.11 -96.47% 3.43 0.11 -96.79% Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) 1.79 0.45 (0.31) -117.32% -168.89% 1.23 0.14 -88.62% Other income 0.40 0.68 0.57 42.50% -16.18
Baht 0.90 million mainly due to exchange gain. Selling and administrative expenses Selling and administrative expenses decreased Baht (5.18) million or 7.5% in Q2/2018 to 7.3% in Q2/2019 due to budgeting
have adopted digital banking platforms to support business operations in a bid to facilitate financial and payment transactions for customers, allowing them to gain better access to banking services
decreased by 77.0% YoY to THB 526mn, predominantly due to the decrease in revenue from hotel operations resulted from the impact of COIVD-19, and lower gain from exchange rates. These were partly offset by an
/ACTANDROYALENACTMENT/ACT/ACT-SEA1992-AMENDED.PDF act-sea2016-no5.pdf , legal advisor, asset appraiser or any other person whose duties are related to inside information, including employees, workers or colleagues of the
-o n- Ye ar C ha ng e ( pe rce nt) Thailand Economic Growth 2 1 2 1 2016 2017 2017 Sources: Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board and Ministry of Commerce 2 Foreign Workers
) (38.3) 11.9 31.1 Net fees and service income 177.2 174.0 3.2 1.8 Gain from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 22.7 1.5 21.2 1,413.3 Gain on investments 148.2 11.2 137.0
employers now prioritize provident funds, even though the employers’ contributions are considered expenses, it is however an important welfare for the future of their employees after retirement.”Furthermore
Company and its subsidiaries booked net exchange gain of Baht 2.81 million and revenue from concrete and steel products as other incomes in the third quarter of 2018 (3) Cost of sales The Company and its