obtains a tendency to continuously recover and more stability. Due to the reasons that China’s economy enables to be expanded while US’s economy still slightly slowdowns. However, this slowdown is expected
; Overview The Thai economy in the third quarter of 2017 expanded by 4.3% y-y compared to 3.8% in the previous quarter, according to data from Bank of Thailand and NESDB. The Thai economy continued to recover
service personnel by a major client, due to COVID 19, and is expected to recover in the near future. This client has recently listed our company in their formal vendor registry, plus we have added new major
adverse economic situation led to a cautious consumer spending across customer segments. However, the Company expected total usage amount to continue to recover from 2nd quarter of this year. The Company
be carried out according to the measures laid down, the situation can be resolved, and the economy could recover. The Company has been monitoring the situation closely and has launched several policies
-year operations in 2020. Demand for automotive parts continues to recover both locally and globally starting from the end of Q3 2020 and this momentum continues into first half of 2021. Even though
sector continued to recover as the number of foreign tourists increased due to the relaxing of travel restrictions, especially international travel, and the relaxing the practice of wearing masks across
Guidance All guidance is based on Post-TFRS 16 Core service revenue Low single digit growth EBITDA Low-single digit growth CAPEX (exclude spectrum) Bt25-30bn Core service revenue to recover and grow
XAUUSD (gold spot) ทีม่ลีักษณะการจา่ยผลตอบแทนแบบ twin-win เป็นสว่นสรา้งผลตอบแทนสว่นเพิม่ใหก้บักองทนุ ความเสีย่งทีร่าคาของสนิทรัพย์ อา้งองิ ปรับตัวขึน้หรอืลงเกนิกวา่ ระดับ Barrier ผลกระทบตอ่ การลงทนุ • หาก
ปรับตัวขึน้หรอืลงเกนิกวา่ ระดับ Barrier ผลกระทบตอ่ การลงทนุ • หากราคาสนิทรัพยอ์า้งองิปรับตัว ขึน้หรอืลงมากกวา่ Barrier: นัก ลงทนุไดผ้ลตอบแทนชดเชยที ่ 0.25% จงึจะไมไ่ดรั้บผลตอบแทน ตามสนิทรัพยอ์า้งองิ ความ