ลีักษณะการจา่ยผลตอบแทนแบบ twin-win เป็นสว่นสรา้งผลตอบแทนสว่นเพิม่ใหก้บักองทนุ ความเสีย่งทีร่าคาของสนิทรัพย์ อา้งองิ ปรับตัวขึน้หรอืลงเกนิกวา่ ระดับ Barrier ผลกระทบตอ่ การลงทนุ • หากราคาสนิทรัพยอ์า้งองิปรับ
(Rebate Rate) 0.25% (อัตราผลตอบแทนชดเชยที่จะไดร้ับเมื่อคา่การเปล่ียนแปลงของดชันีอ้างองิ ณ วัน ทำการใด ปรับเพิ่มขึ้นหรือลดลงมากกวา่ (คา่ Barrier) โดยเริ่มตั้งแต่วันทำการถัด จากวันเริ่มต้นสัญญาถงึวันพิจารณา
has contravened the trust instrument or this Act and caused damage to the trust, the new trustee shall have the following duties: (1) to claim damages from a liable trustee; (2) to recover a property
: (1) to claim damages from a liable trustee; (2) to recover a property from a third person regardless of whether such third person directly acquired such property from the former trustee and whether
, the new trustee shall have the following duties: (1) to claim damages from a liable trustee; (2) to recover a property from a third person regardless of whether such third person directly acquired such
expended continuously following the campaign of visiting Thailand. Consumption sector remained not recover. Domestic expense was poor and buying power was weak because household debt remained stay in high
measures to maintain its profitability and ongoing to recover. Performance of food center services business Revenue from food center services Due to the adoption of Thai Financial Reporting Standard 15 (TFRS
still paid partially expenses. Nevertheless, the Company continues to implement effective and cost management and prudent cost control measures to maintain its profitability and ongoing to recover
resolved to maintain the policy interest rate at 0.50 percent. Though the economy is expected to contract more than in previous assessments, it is also likely to gradually recover in the second half of 2020
of international tourists. Private investment is prone to recover in the second half of 2017 especially in automobile equipment, consistent with significant growth of passenger car sales in Q3