Core Financials 3Q19. 1 Includes inventory gains/ (losses) 2 Includes net proceeds from disposals of PPE, other non-current investments and assumed net debt on acquisitions 3 Includes effect of FOREX
) 2 Includes net proceeds from disposals of PPE, other non-current investments and assumed net debt on acquisitions 3 Includes effect of FOREX changes on balance held in foreign currencies and on the
/ (losses) 2 Includes net proceeds from disposals of PPE, other non-current investments and assumed net debt on acquisitions 3 Includes effect of FOREX changes on balance held in foreign currencies and on the
of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, and the consideration paid, the consideration paid is lower than fair value of net assets transferred. As a result, the Group has gain from
using a traffic light system for ease of use as follows: ● Green: almost certain to be compatible with a low carbon or climate-resilient economy in all circumstances and assumed to be automatically
account under the first and second paragraph are presumed to be correct, unless proven otherwise. SECTION 34. A derivatives business operator shall not use the customer asset for any purpose other than the
account under the first and second paragraph are presumed to be correct, unless proven otherwise. SECTION 34. A derivatives business operator shall not use the customer asset for any purpose other than the
and operating policy decisions of the enterprise but is less than control over those policies. The shareholder beneficially owning more than 10% interest in the voting shares of the company is presumed
เหตุผลอนัควรที จะถือวา่ขอ้เทจ็จริงทีสนันิษฐาน (presumed fact) มีอยูจ่ริง 13 - การโอนหรือรับโอนหลกัทรัพยร์ะหวา่งกนั - การมีพฤติกรรมการซื)อขายหลกัทรัพยเ์ดียวกนัในช่วงเวลาเดียวกนั อยา่งต่อเนือง ซึ งผิดไปจาก
) Increase/(Decrease) in Net Debt on cash basis 212 (51) 275 66 788 (92)% Note: (1) Includes inventory gain/ (loss) (2) Includes net proceeds from disposals of PPE, other non-current investments and assumed