areas, namely securities regulation reviewed under 37 IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation, and the clearing and settlement infrastructures reviewed under the Principles for Financial
หลักการ กำกับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สำหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียน ป 2555 Good Corporate Governance The Principles of for Listed Companies 2012 หลักการกำากับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สำาหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียน ปี 2555 บทนำ บทนำ
launch of this project is another milestone for knowledge sharing in our market which in turn will bring new ideas and discussions that will be beneficial for business and the further development of the
January 2024. SEC Secretary-General said: “The SEC highly values our collaboration with the TLCA, which plays a crucial role as a forum for knowledge sharing and exchange of ideas among listed
:// Principles of Corporate Governance - G20 version Principles of Corporate Governance - G20 version G 20/O E C D P rin c ip le s o f C o rp o
risk management. SEC subsequently conducted a public hearing on the approved principles during the months of April and May 2020 to which all respondents agreed with the principles for amending the repo
With a view to elevating corporate governance of listed companies, the SEC aims for all of them to comply with the 15 CG principles, place importance on roles and duties of directors including
Corporate Engagement Officer CDP Southeast Asia and Oceania 09:25-09:40 Overview of TCFD recommendations and key concepts 09:40-09:50 Current status of TCFD implementation and progress 09:50-10:00 Q&A 10:00
structure through which the objectives of the company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined”. (จาก G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, 2015
The SEC Board’s approval of the principles for supervising additional digital asset businesses would not only benefit securities companies that have recently showed their growing interest in