world. SEC thus promotes application of ESG principles in the Thai capital market in all aspects, from the areas of products, issuers, investors and the preparation for readiness of intermediaries* as
costs for these business operators. The SEC solicited feedback on the proposed principles and draft regulations from the public and stakeholders in July 2566. Most respondents supported the proposed
On 3 August 2023, the SEC Board Meeting No. 12/2023 passed a resolution approving the principles and draft regulations related to application for approval and granting of approval for derivatives
Principles on Business and Human Rights (Principles). The Principles cover a key aspect of ESG responsibility/investment and echo the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Roadmap, industry
shareholders meetings to give listed companies tangible ideas of how to improve their AGM arrangement. SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala said: ?The assessment results have shown progressive
speakers. Dr. Bandid, the President and CEO of the Thai Institute of Directors Association, discussed interesting ideas on raising awareness on corporate governance in regional capital markets, while Mr
), presented the proposed training course to the working group. The first part of the action plan will start with a seminar within a small group of senior and middle level executives to brainstorm ideas and
theme ?New perspectives for financial market development and sustainability of the Thai economy,? jointly organized by the SEC and the Faculty of Business Administration of NIDA, presenting the ideas that
meeting to develop ideas for future criteria. We expect to foster ongoing collaboration and discussions like these in the future,” said SEC Secretary-General. ______________________________
ซึ่งขอบเขตดงักล่าวเป็นไป ตามนยิาม “Corporate Governance” ที่ก าหนดใน G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (2015)1 (“OECD Principles”) “การบริหารกจิการทีด่ี” ตามหลักปฏิบัตนิี้ หมายถงึ การบริหารกิจ