consolidated risk management framework that emphasizes management of risks, e.g., credit, market, liquidity, operational, digital and strategic risks. KBank’s risk management structure clearly determines duties
ที่เข้ำข่ำยข้อยกเว้นให้สำมำรถปฏิบัติงำนต่อไปได้อีก 2 ปี ในช่วง transitional period ปี 2562-2566 นั้น ส ำนักงำน ก.ล.ต. ควรระบุมำตรกำรป้องกัน (“safeguard”) ให้ชัดเจน เพื่อให้ เกิดควำมเข้ำใจที่ตรงกันในอนำ
Products (SIPs) Investment products that contain derivatives or have complex terms and features. SIPs was introduced by MAS to safeguard the interests of retail investors investing in complex products
corporate social responsibility. The implementation is categorized accordingly: ë Risk Management To safeguard the Thai capital market against adverse impacts of market incidents or risks pertinent to market
that the derivatives fund manager will appropriately manage the investments for investors to protect and maintain the best interest of investors under acceptable risk exposure, it is necessary that the
manager will appropriately manage the investments for investors to protect and maintain the best interest of investors under acceptable risk exposure, it is necessary that the scope of rules and regulations
derivatives fund manager will appropriately manage the investments for investors to protect and maintain the best interest of investors under acceptable risk exposure, it is necessary that the scope of rules
; (2.3) There are causes and necessities in order to protect the benefit of the investors. Should the mutual fund management company require to stop the operation longer than 1 business day, the
; (2.3) There are causes and necessities in order to protect the benefit of the investors. Should the mutual fund management company require to stop the operation longer than 1 business day, the
inde- pendent reviews of transactions involving managers, directors, controlling shareholders and other insiders. Recommendations: The corporate governance framework should clearly specify key board