) Staff dealing as specified in Part 4; Management company shall have an operating system sufficiently and effectively in order to protect any acts according to paragraph one which may create conflict of
Part 3; (4) Staff dealing as specified in Part 4; Management company shall have an operating system sufficiently and effectively in order to protect any acts according to paragraph one which may create
an operating system sufficiently and effectively in order to protect any acts according to paragraph one which may create conflict of interest to the fund, provided that, in case of (1) shall apply as
supervision of securities business in the category of management of other persons’ funds, whether it be the mutual fund or private fund management, has the common objective to protect and maintain the best
securities business in the category of management of other persons’ funds, whether it be the mutual fund or private fund management, has the common objective to protect and maintain the best interest of
business in the category of management of other persons’ funds, whether it be the mutual fund or private fund management, has the common objective to protect and maintain the best interest of investors based
Section 91 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 91. Where it is necessary to maintain the economic and financial stability of the country, or to protect the public interest, the Minister
Section 91 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 91. Where it is necessary to maintain the economic and financial stability of the country, or to protect the public interest, the Minister
Silpa School on the topic, “Financial Literacy for New Generations.” The session aimed to enhance students’ understanding of the SEC’s roles, financial planning, goal setting, and strategies to protect
2018 due to slowdown in Thailand economy. Meanwhile, imports of Hot Rolled Steel increased by 2% to 4.04 MT due to strengthening of THB and the effect of termination of enforcement of Safeguard Measure