decreased due to the effectiveness of cost control in new completed projects and the increasing in average selling price of existing completed projects. - Selling expenses in 2018 amounted 1,102.55 million
, compared with the same period of 2018, gross profit amount 20.963 million baht, increasing gross profit amount 20.39 million baht or 97.27 percent increase which consists of - Faucet business : Gross profit
2.15 million because the increasing in number of staff in subsidiaries to support the expansion in year 2019. 7. Financial cost in quarter 1/2019 increased from quarter 1/2018 by Baht 4.49 million or
million or 44. 70%. The increase in cost of sales varies according to the increase in revenue from sales, but the ratio of increasing of cost of sales was lower than the ratio of increasing of revenue from
Halcyon Metal Co., Ltd. or “HM” in the three-month period of Q1/2019 had a total revenue of 14.68 million baht, increasing 0.68 million baht, or 4.89% from the same period in 2018. This is because HM partly
reflected by increasing in cost of goods sold of, while, selling expenses declined – regarding to increase in sales value, cost control in sales and promotion expenses. Financial results of 3-month ended
fluctuated since the first quarter of 2016, by increasing 5 G J Steel Public Limited Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Q1/2019 in the first and the second quarters of 2016 and then decreased in the
, increasing from the same period of the previous year by Baht 53.75 million mainly due to increased construction revenue together with improved gross profit margin and increased share of profit from associated
consolidated gross profit was THB 602.83 million in 2Q2019, increased by THB 13.38 million or 2.27% up from 2Q2018 from increasing in total revenue from sales. The consolidated gross profit margin contributed of
ordinary shares) amounting to THB 1,429 million resulting to increasing in equity. 2. The Company had the net loss for the six months period contributed of THB 504 million. 5 G J Steel Public Limited