. - Swine farm business recorded its GPM of Baht 4.9 Million increased of Baht 9.7 Million from Q2/2018 mainly resulted from increasing of fattening pig price. Selling and Administrative Expenses Selling and
• Increasing in profit of 49% mainly are from costs controlling in Q2/2019. However, there are also impact of reservation of contingency loss in court case of last year. 2. Financial performance by segment. 2.1
quarter of prior year by Baht 6.88 million or equivalent to 7.42%, mainly due to increasing dentist remuneration, rental expense, laboratory expense and employee expense by Baht 5.10 million, Baht 0.42
the increasing in average selling price of existing completed projects. - Selling expenses in Q1/2018 amounted 214.85 million baht increased by 141.12 million baht or 191.40% compared to 73.73 million
the same period of last year at 15.1%. This is due to the increasing demands in Europe and America markets following the recovery in economy in these regions. Another outstanding product is DC FAN and
previous year. Cost of sales. Sellino and Administrative Expenses: For the 2nd quarter of 201B, the cost of sales was 28.04 million Baht, increasing by 0.74o/o from the same period in the previous year which
new completed projects and the increasing in average selling price of existing completed projects. - Selling expenses in Q2/2018 amounted 308.68 million baht increased by 219.33 million baht or 245.47
subsidiaries had total revenue of 249.4 MB, increased from Q3/2017 at 63.5 MB by 34.2 percent (by increasing from domestic sales at 21 percent and 44 percent from export sales) • Gross profit margin Q3/2018, the
reason for the Company’s net loss was due to lower income from rental and service, an increasing in food and beverage cost and property development cost incurred. Thus, the details of the Company’s
decreased due to the effectiveness of cost control in new completed projects and the increasing in average selling price of existing completed projects. - Selling expenses in Q3/2018 amounted 292.57 million