(raw material), COGs/revenue ratio of Q1/2019 are at high level. This is because of high stock level carried over Q4/2018. Increase in cost of sales of are main impact to minus in bottom line. 3 / 4
industry in Thailand, resulting in high growth in sales for FDM Technology Co., Ltd, a subsidiary with its main customers in the automotive industry, with a revenue growth of 17.77% in the three-month period
gained advantage from the recovery of the automotive industry in Thailand, resulting in high growth in sales for FDM Technology Co., Ltd, a subsidiary with its main customers in the automotive industry
from China, Indonesia, Turkey, Europe, and high price competitiveness limited sale to Baht 897.0 million, decreased by 11.1%. Sales contributions were from domestic sales 25.2% and export sales 74.8
in high growth in sales for FDM Technology Co., Ltd, a subsidiary with its main customers in the automotive industry, with a revenue growth of 28.08% from THB 111.08 million to THB 142.39 million in
นอยา่งดีส าหรับบรรจภุณัฑ์ PET ที่มีคณุสมบตัป้ิองกนัการซมึผา่นของออกซิเจน โรงงาน IRFG ตัง้อยูท่ีเ่มือง เกร์สโทเฟน (Gersthofen) ประเทศเยอรมนั ซึง่ท าการผลติกลุม่ผลติภณัฑ์ PET ที่มีมลูคา่เพิม่ สงู (high
company considered this transaction is reasonable and beneficial to the Company because this is to support sales in the early of next year. The purchasing of brand new machines requires high investment
รวิเคราะหปั์จจยัพ้ืนฐานท่ีเร่ิมจากการวิเคราะหข์อ้มูล รายบริษัท (Bottom-up) และเนน้ลงทุนในตราสารท่ีมัน่ใจว่าดีในสดัส่วนท่ีสูง (High conviction approach) เพ่ือหารูปแบบการลงทุนท่ีดีท่ีสุด อีกทั้งยงัมุ่ง
Derivatives Business 31/10/2017 01/12/2017 3. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission  Kor Jor. 4/2560 Re: Determination of the Definitions of Institutional Investor, Ultra-high Net Worth
-high Net Worth Investor and High Net Worth Investor 08/02/2017 16/02/2017 3. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission  KorThor. 18/2554 Principles for Undertaking Securities and