allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products with non-complex features and investment units or debt securities with high risks or complexity, e.g., investment units of mutual funds for
with non-complex features and investment units or debt securities with high risks or complexity, e.g., investment units of mutual funds for institutional investors or ultra-high net worth investors
underlying products, for example. Solicitations for initial investment start at around 300,000 baht with attractive high returns to lure investors for immediate investment decision. The unlicensed companies
securities with high turnover (turnover list) and considered by the SET as securities under ?abnormal trading condition.? Brokerage firms are asked to disseminate such information to investors for careful
professionals, enticing investments in stocks and digital assets with seemingly low investment amounts and unrealistically high returns. The schemes claim that investing requires little to no knowledge and is
building for ACMF Members and stakeholders.At this Meeting, ACMF provided high-level feedback on how to support implementation of the ISSB S1 and S2 standards in the region, to ISSB’s Agenda Priorities
processes to enhance the SEC’s investigative authority, particularly in high-impact cases. Further efforts will also focus on disclosure standards and oversight of market professionals. Regarding digital
หลักเกณฑ์การกำกับดูแลการใช้ทรัสต์เพื่อธุรกรรมในตลาดทุน เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เร่ือง หลักเกณฑการจัดตั้งและจัดการกองทรัสตเพื่อการลงทุนของผูลงทุนสถาบันและรายใหญ (Institutional Investor & High Net
revenue recognition from the year 2019, such as the New Parliament Project in Information and Communication Technology and the High–Speed Internet Service Project in Remote Area. In addition, there are also
revenue recognition from the year 2019, such as the New Parliament Project in Information and Communication Technology and the High–Speed Internet Service Project in Remote Area. In addition, there are also