“Positive” outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited is assigned the company rating of “A-” (Single A Minus), affirms the rating of LH BANK’s hybrid Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB
“BBB+” with “Stable” the rating outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited was assigned the credit rating at “A-” (Single A Minus), “Stable” the rating outlook and affirms the
Public Company Limited has been assigned the credit rating at “BBB+” with “Stable” outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited has been assigned the credit rating at “A-” (Single A
“BBB+” with “Stable” the rating outlook by TRIS Rating. Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited was assigned the credit rating at “A-” (Single A Minus), “Stable” the rating outlook and affirms the
, TRIS Rating affirmed the company rating and senior unsecured debenture rating of Eastern Water Resources Development and Management PLC at “A+” with “stable” outlook, which reflects the company’s
) (110.76) 4. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS As of 26 June 2019, TRIS Rating affirmed the company rating and senior unsecured debenture rating of Eastern Water Resources Development and Management PLC at “A+” with
Public Offering (IPO) in the second quarter of 2017. TRIS rating announced the company rating of WHA at “A-“ with “Stable” outlook in the fourth quarter in 2017. Successful conversion of WHAPF to WHART
) (6.42) (3.78) (17.04) (9.07) (5.92) (38.91) 4. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS As of 26 June 2019, TRIS Rating affirmed the company rating and senior unsecured debenture rating of Eastern Water Resources Development
) (9.07) (5.92) (38.91) 4. เหตกุารณ์สาํคญั เมื่อวันที่ 26 มิถุนายน 2562 TRIS RATING ได้ประกาศคงอันดับเครดิตองค์กรและอันดับเครดิตหุ้นกู้ไม่ด้อยสิทธิ ไม่มี หลกัประกนัของบรษิทัทีร่ะดบั “A+” ดว้ยแนวโน้ม “Stable
27.33 152.49 เปรียบเทียบคาเฉล่ีย (2549 - 2560) 18.97 1.31 6.78 10.74 (1.67) 45.91 4. เหตุการณสําคัญ เมื่อวันท่ี 12 กรกฎาคม 2561 TRIS RATING ไดประกาศคงอันดับเครดิตองคกรและอันดับเครดิตหุนกูไมดอย