dividend payment from the 2017 performance in the amount of Baht 778.0 million or at Baht 0.2034 per share paid on 21 May 2018. In 2Q2018, TRIS Rating assigned the company rating and senior unsecured
- 2560) 76.18 16.52 69.46 154.18 39.50 253.89 เปรียบเทียบคาเฉล่ีย (2549 - 2560) 19.74 2.94 9.36 12.68 (0.13) 28.17 4. เหตุการณสําคัญ เม่ือวันท่ี 12 กรกฎาคม 2561 TRIS RATING ไดประกาศคงอันดับเครดิตองคกร
maturity with fixed coupon rate of 3.5% per annum, semiannually paid throughout the term with TRIS rating BBB+ and stable outlook. Unit: THB mn 3Q18 3Q17 9M18 9M17 Hotel business 1,008 997 11 1.1% 3,328
Reservoir during August – November 2020 4. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS As of 30 June 2020, TRIS Rating affirmed the company rating and senior unsecured debenture rating of Eastern Water Resources Development and
Underlying (Hybrid Bond) Investment Grade % underlying (Additional Tier 1) * Tier 2 FRN 2 3 AA- A+/A /A- 3 BBB+/BBB/BBB- Short-Term Credit Rating Long-Term Credit Rating TRIS Rating Fitch Thailand AA- T1 F1+ A
rating on credit alert with a “positive” by TRIS Rating. Branch Networking As of the first quarter of 2018, Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited has the total 133 branches, the number of branches is
% 82% 83% 75% 68% คาเฉล่ีย (2552 - 2561) 69.95 13.23 55.79 137.55 30.01 214.15 เปรียบเทียบคาเฉล่ีย (2552 - 2561) 5.07 (2.68) 9.30 (0.90) 4.23 (12.14) 4. เหตุการณสําคัญ วันท่ี 12 กรกฎาคม 2561 TRIS
) (26.05) (100.17) (21.84) (110.76) 4. เหตุการณ์สาํคญั วนัที ่26 มถิุนายน 2562 TRIS RATING ไดป้ระกาศคงอนัดบัเครดติองค์กรและอนัดบัเครดติหุน้กู้ไม่ดอ้ยสทิธ ิไม่มหีลกัประกนั ของบริษัทที่ระดับ “A+” ด้วยแนวโน้ม
shares (SET and mai excluding proprietary trading) of Phatra Securities Plc. (PSEC) was 8.89%, increased from 7.32% in 1Q19, ranking 1st from total 38 brokers. Additionally, during 2Q19, TRIS Rating has
brokers. Additionally, during 2Q19, TRIS Rating has upgraded the company rating for the Bank and Phatra Securities to “A” from “A-”. The consolidated net profit for 2Q19 totaled Baht 1,471 million, an