shareholders on a company’s board? } What drives the executive incentive program? } How robust are shareholders’ rights at the company? } How is the company managing its environmental risks, human resources
the same quarter of prior year by Baht 3.50 million or equivalent to 114.38%, mainly due to increasing of advertising and promotion expenses – CLMV by Baht 2.05 million and incentive expense Baht 1.68
have an incentive to voluntarily disclose negative information. • This is due to the potential disutility from litigation as a result of withholding bad news. The Paper • The differing disclosure
in the Korean Peninsula The impact of GPR 4 The Problem Statement and Research Motivation ❑ GPR has become a primary threat and challenge faced by corporates (PWC, 2019) ❑ Extensive literature
process, an encouragement for disciplined saving (DCA) for long-term goals, and a motivational premium to be received when fully complied with the terms and conditions of the campaign. It is anticipated
investment in open-ended fund. 3. Cost of service decreased 5,244,224 baht compared to the same period of the last year mainly from the decrease of personnel costs such as salary and incentive. 4
จากกําไรในการลงทุนระยะส้ันในกองทุนเปด 3. บริษัทมีตนทุนการใหบริการลดลงจากงวดเดียวกันของปกอน 1,360,678 บาท โดยเปนการลดลงของตนทุนเกี่ยวกับพนักงาน เชน คาแรงจูงใจ (Incentive) และโบนัส ลดลง 4
salary and incentive. 4. Administration expenses increased 398,927 baht compared to the same period of the last year mainly from expenses related to IPO of the Company’s new shares. 5. Corporate tax
investment interest. 3. Cost of service decreased 7,592,861 baht compared to the same period of the last year mainly from the decrease of personnel costs such as salary and incentive. 4. Administration
% respectively. This is because of increasing in incentive and profit sharing from average daily turnover increased, while salary decreased. 2. The Consolidated and the separated statements recorded fees and