swap contracts with this financial institution to swap a 3-month THBFIX floating rate plus 1.05 percent per annum to averaged fixed rate at 2.96 percent per annum for such long-term loan agreement. The
to swap a 3-month THBFIX floating rate plus 1.05 percent per annum to averaged fixed rate at 2.96 percent per annum for such long-term loan agreement. The contract term is 3 years up to December 2017
interest-bearing debt of THB 9,529 mn, a decrease of 46.8% from the balance as of December 31, 2016 due to the redemption of loans at maturity and early redemption of loans with floating interest rate. As a
at maturity and early redemption of loans with floating interest rate. As a result, CPN’s entire interest-bearing debt have fixed interest rates with an average cost of debt throughout the year at 3.17
เงินบาท (ข) กําหนดอายุตราสารที่แนนอน (ค) กําหนดอัตราดอกเบี้ยทีแ่นนอน (เชน fixed/ floating rate of return, a fixed margin (spread) หรือ zero coupon bond เปนตน) (ง) เปนตราสารที่ไมดอยสิทธิ, ไมมี
0.7 Net Operating Debt Non Operating Capex Net Debt Cash and Cash under Management Total Debt Debt Maturity Profile as on 30 Sep, 2019 Fixed = 64% Floating = 36% Effective Finance Cost 3.66% Credit
Capex Net Debt Cash and Cash under Management Total Debt Debt Maturity Profile as on 30 Jun, 2020 Fixed = 71% Floating = 29% Effective Finance Cost 3.27% Credit Rating: AA- with stable outlook by TRIS in
– Concession Agreement, ** with revenue recognition from the EPC service for EGAT’s solar floating project 6M’19 6M’20 change Q2’19 Q1’20 Q2’20 change change Btmn Btmn y-on-y Btmn Btmn Btmn y-on-y q-on-q
อัตราดอกเบี้ยของสถาบันการเงินหรืออัตราดอกเบี้ยอื่น (floating rate notes)ꃂ 숀 ꃂ 숀 ꃂ 숀 1. ꃂ℀㤎┎Ў䠎㈎ᰎ┎ᔎⴎᨎ䄎ᜎᤎᜎ㔎䠎㌎⌎『Ȏ㘎䤎ᤎⴎ∎㤎䠎Ďㄎᨎᬎㄎࠎࠎㄎ∎ⴎ䤎㈎ⴎ㐎ᜎ㔎䠎Ď㌎⬎ᤎᐎ䐎✎䤎┎䠎✎⬎ᤎ䤎㈎㰀戀爀㸀㰀戀爀㸀숀 ꃂ 숀 ꃂ 숀 ꃂ ㈀⸀ 숀 มูลค่าต้น
the holder of the structured notes has puttable option whether the return is a fixed or floating rates according to the interest rates of a financial institution or any other interest rates and the