-bearing debt whilst floating interest rates make up the remaining 54%. Net interest-bearing debt to equity ratio stood at 0.37 times, an increase from 0.07 times from the end of last year, on higher net
-bearing debt whilst floating interest rates make up the remaining 54%. Net interest-bearing debt to equity ratio stood at 0.37 times, an increase from 0.07 times from the end of last year, on higher net
fixed sugar price scheme for domestic sugar consumption and introducing floating price as per world market movement, effectively on 15 January 2018, but also the Excise Tax scheme effectively on 16
previous year. Fixed interest rates debt comprises 47% of total interest-bearing debt whilst floating interest rates make up the remaining 53%. Net interest-bearing debt to equity ratio stood at 0.32 times
at the end of 2Q19 stood at 3.20%, lower than 3.31% in 1Q19. Fixed interest rates debt comprises 46% of total interest-bearing debt whilst floating interest rates make up the remaining 54%. Net
the level at the end of the previous year at 2.81%. Fixed interest rates debt comprises 78% of total interest-bearing debt whilst floating interest rates make up the remaining 22%. 3Q 2Q 3Q YoY QoQ 9M
กรรมการ มีมติดังกลาว 2. กรณีไมไดกาํหนดราคาเสนอขายที่แนนอน (floating price) ใหใชวันแรกที ่ เสนอขายตอผูลงทุน ข. ราคาที่กําหนดโดยผานการ book building ค. ราคายุติธรรมที่ประเมินโดยที่ปรึกษาทางการเงิน
floating interest rates make up the remaining 46%. Net interest-bearing debt to equity ratio stood at 0.45 times, an increase from 0.37 times from the end of last year, on higher interest-bearing debt amount
interest- bearing debt whilst floating interest rates make up the remaining 26%. Net interest-bearing debt to equity ratio stood at 0.38 times, equal to the ratio at the end of 2019, Although the Company has
, 2020 stood at 2.29%, lower than 2.91% as of December 31, 2019. Fixed interest rates debt comprises 41% of total interest-bearing debt, floating interest rates make up 59%. Net interest-bearing debt to