therefore suspended the approval for {A} as a capital market auditor for six months, starting from 19 January 2022. ________________________
and authorized director Mr. Arak Ratborihan on account of offering for sale of newly issued shares for a private placement without obtaining a prior approval from the SEC.According to the SEC's further
Fund Approval and Management System (“OFAM”). In addition, the amendment would expand channels for announcement of dividend payment such as websites of asset management companies. The paperless
global effort to reduce carbon emissions leading to global warming. SEC has therefore upgraded the Online Fund Approval and Management System (“OFAM”) to accommodate paperless filings.Businesses can
business operators to contribute to the society, SEC is going to issue a notification to allow social enterprises, including their shareholders, to make public offerings without prior approval or
Bangkok, 24 October 2017 ? The SEC has revoked the approval for Mr. Pisist Phong-pheuag, then working for Apple Wealth Securities Public Company Limited, as a capital market investment consultant for
Bangkok, 24 October 2017 ? The SEC has revoked the approval for Mr. Pisist Phong-pheuag, then working for Apple Wealth Securities Public Company Limited, as a capital market investment consultant for
offering securities in the category of debenture without approval. Following referrals and the SEC's further investigation, it was found that Prasit, chief executive officer of Mandawee Tour, had held a
Bangkok, 15 February 2017 ? The SEC has revoked the approval of a securities investment consultant, Mr. Niran Rodchaiya, and banned him from functioning as capital market personnel for 10 years on