greater use of trust for transactions in capital market.?????????? Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General revealed that the SEC Board approved to allow PE set up as trust, apart from being structured
companies in this regard. At each seminar, the SEC will set up a corner to give advice, answer questions and hear suggestions, problems and obstacles from the practitioners on an individual basis. The
underwriting limited to investment units (LBDU) and derivatives brokerage by requiring the business operator set up a compliance unit with clear duty and responsibility in writing and having adequate number of
has been set up clearly with proper check and balance mechanism. Even SEC Secretary-General is unable to intervene the procedure, said SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala.
, which was presided over by Mr. Krisada Chinavicharana, Deputy Finance Minister, on 10 November 2023. This year, the SEC booth was set up under the theme, "Sustainable Investment & Self-protection for Well
. Phuvanat naranubala expressed that ?The SEC appreciates what the ASCO has done and views that this action is a good starting point for business operators to jointly set up their own supervision guidelines.?
SEC in coordination with the AIMC will set up standards for preparing member records, and 2) require asset management companies to have external auditor so as to ensure the correctness of such records
the capability of the derivatives broker in undertaking derivatives business continuously, the derivatives broker shall set up an implementation plan or measures in the case where derivatives broker or
assure the capability of the derivatives broker in undertaking derivatives business continuously, the derivatives broker shall set up an implementation plan or measures in the case where derivatives broker
broker shall set up an implementation plan or measures in the case where derivatives broker or service provider terminates contract or the service provider can no longer provide service for derivatives