, Boondee Amnuayskul (Mr. Boondee Amnuayskul) Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Mr. Amorn Meemano During the month of June 2014, Mr. Amorn Meemano (“Mr. Amorn”) at the time holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Crown Tech Advance Public
Mr. Pipat Patiwetphinyo During the month of June 2014, Mr. Amorn Meemano (“Mr. Amorn”) at the time holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Crown Tech Advance Public
Mr. Thanachart Siriphanukhema During the month of June 2014, Mr. Amorn Meemano (“Mr. Amorn”) at the time holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Crown Tech Advance
WINSOUND (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED During the month of June 2014, Mr. Amorn Meemano (“Mr. Amorn”) at the time holding the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Crown Tech
Mr.Pongsak Lothongkam During June 2018, Mr.Pongsak Lothongkam while being chief executive officer, director and managing director of SVI Public Company Limited (SVI), knew or possesed the inside
Miss Nontiya Ponlawat During June 2018, Mr.Pongsak Lothongkam while being chief executive officer, director and managing director of SVI Public Company Limited (SVI), knew or possesed the inside
Mr.Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip On March 8 - 9, 2021, Mr.Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip, chief executive officer, managing director and director of JKN Global Media Public Company Limited (JKN), had published
แหน่งอื่นท่ีเทยีบเทำ่กับผู้บริหำรสูงสุดขององค์กร (Chief Executive Officer : CEO) 2. เพื่อเป็นแบบประเมินตัวอย่ำงเบือ้งต้น ทีค่ณะกรรมกำรบริษัทจดทะเบียนสำมำรถน ำไปปรับใช้ตำมที่เห็นวำ่ เหมำะสมและสอดคล้องกับ
Tohtubtiang Chief Executive Officer 0.99 % (5,000,000 shares) 2. Mr.Kraisin Tohtubtiang Managing Director 13.87 % (69,407,700 shares) 3. Ms.Malika Maitreepirom Director 0.07 % (35,000 shares) 7. Connected